So, your dirt bike has a flat tire, and you are not sure how to go about changing it. If you knew how to do this you wouldn’t be here. So, we will jump straight into how you can change a dirt bike tire.
Let’s get started!
Step-By-Step Guide On How To Change A Dirt Bike Tire
So, your dirt bike has gotten a flat tire, and now you need to change it. But you are not sure how to do this.
Well, in this section we are going to show you step-by-step how to change your dirt bike’s tire. So, let’s get started!
Step 1 – Inner Tube
First, you will need an inner tube. As far as the size goes, you can choose anyone that fits your tires. However, make sure that it is big enough to fit your tires.
If possible, try to use a new inner tube because old ones tend to break. After you have decided your inner tube, you will need to pop out the valve stem from the rim.
To do this, place both hands around the rim and then push down on the valve stem with your thumbs while pulling up on the stem with your fingers. This should pop out the valve stem.
Now, you will be able to remove the valve stem by holding it between your thumb and index finger. Then, remove the valve cap.
Next, insert the valve stem into the hole in the center of the valve cap and tighten it until it is snug. Finally, replace the valve cap onto the rim.
Step 2 – Remove The Chain Off The Sprocket
Now, take off the chain from the sprocket. You will need to hold the rear wheel with your hand so that you don’t drop it.
The easiest way to do this is to put your foot against the back brake lever or kickstand and lean forward slightly.
Once you have done this, grab the front end of the sprocket by using both hands. Grasp the sprocket as close to where the chain attaches to it as possible.
Using both hands, pull down on the sprocket and slowly slide it towards your leg. Make sure that the sprocket doesn’t come completely free.
Once it does, simply remove it. Now, turn the crank handle clockwise, which will loosen the chain and allow the sprocket to fall away.
Keep turning the crank handle counterclockwise until the chain falls completely off the sprocket.
Step 3 – Take The Tire Off The Axel
Next, you will need to remove the wheels from the frame. First, loosen the nuts at the bottom of each lug nut. Use pliers if necessary.
Next, carefully remove the bolts securing the rims to the hub. Then, you will need to undo the two washers located near the axle.
Be careful when doing this because they could easily fall off. When you have removed them, the axles will be loose and ready for removal.
Grab the axle with both hands and gently lift it upwards. Once you have lifted it, grip it firmly just above the middle and slide it off the fork ends.
Step 4 – Take The Valve Core Off The Tire
Finally, you will need to unscrew the valve core from the tire. This is easy to do. Simply twist the valve core counterclockwise until it comes off.
Step 5 – Take The Tire Off The Rim

Once you have taken the tire off, you will notice that there is a small metal ring attached to the inside of the tire.
It will be important to keep this metal ring in place so that you can reinstall the tire correctly. Here is what you will do: first, thread the valve core back onto the valve stem.
Second, line up the valve stem with the hole in the center top of the tire. Third, screw the valve stem into the valve core.
Fourth, rotate the tire so that it sits flat against the rim. Fifth, press down on the tire and then release. Sixth, repeat steps four through five until you are finished replacing the tire.
We’re going to start with removing the valve stem. In order to do this, we’ll need to get our hands underneath the valve cover.
There’s a little tab here that needs to be pushed inward before we can remove the valve stem. And once we’ve done that, we’ll be able to see the valve stem.
So now, we can go ahead and remove it by pushing down on the valve stem and then twisting it out.
Once the valve stem has been removed, we’ll want to remove the valve core. To do this, we’ll use a pair of channel lock pliers.
We’re going to position the pliers like so, and then gently grasp the valve core by pressing down on its body.
And once we’ve got the valve core, we’ll want to tilt it over so that the rubber seal faces upward and then pull it straight off.
Step 6 – Put The New Tube In The Tire
The last step you need to perform is putting the new tube in the tire. To do this, first, make sure that the valve core is installed properly.
If not, refer to the video tutorial I posted earlier in this article. Next, insert the valve stem. Insert it so that it is centered and flush with the valve core.
Finally, push down on the valve stem so that it seats itself in the valve core. The reason we push it down is that otherwise, air would leak out of the tire.
Now, we’re going to put the valve cap back on the tire. To do that, simply grab the valve cap and turn it counterclockwise.
As you do this, let your hand follow the outer edge of the valve core. You should feel the valve cap seat snugly around the valve core and the tire.
Make sure that the valve cap is seated completely. Otherwise, you run the risk of having an air leak coming out of the tire.
Step 7 – Put The Tire Back On The Rim
With all of these steps completed, you should now be ready to replace the old tube with the new one. Just remember to always wear gloves when working on a motorcycle or ATV.
Always take care when installing a new tube and don’t forget to tighten the nut after installation!
Final Thoughts
Now that you know how to change a dirt bike tire, you might be wondering about other things that you can do to protect your tires from damage such as punctures.
One thing that you could do is purchase a tire repair kit. These kits contain everything that you need to fix a flat tire including patches, tools, and even spare tubes.
A good set of tools will help you fix any problem that comes along. This way, you won’t have to wait for a mechanic to come to your rescue.
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